Get involved with history
The Glamorgan Spring Bay Historical Society Inc. (GSBHS) is a not-for-profit entity first established in 1991 to research, preserve and promote the history of the Glamorgan Spring Bay municipality.
The Society occupies the east wing of the restored Old Swansea Schoolhouse (C1860) located in the centre of town on the main street of Swansea. The GSBHS facilities complement the Council owned East Coast Heritage Museum, in the same building.
Facilities available to Society members and researchers/guests are the Society’s collection indexed onto a Mosaic database of scanned images and documents of historical interest. The Society has a compactus room with easy access to archival-boxed and individual files, a meeting room and a research room with small library for members to borrow books or use for research if the book is not for borrowing..
Office Opening Times
The Society Office at 22 Franklin Street, Swansea, is normally open on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10.00am to 3.00pm, please note new hours as from Tuesday 4th March. We try to be flexible, so if you contact is we can arrange things to suit you. The Society is fully run by volunteers, and while we endeavor to have a member on duty during these times, sometimes it is not always possible. It is best to advise the Society or your planned visit ahead of time, so we can confirm timing for you.
The Society can be contacted via email, or phone (03) 6257 9011, leave a message, or use the Contact Form.
Next Society General meeting:
The next Meeting for members will be Friday 2nd May 2025 at Society Rooms, 22 Franklin St, Swansea TAS. Visitors most welcome.
NEW - Books For Sale
We have three new books available through the Society.
Maria Island History and Landscapes 1825 – 1930
by Richard Tuffin, Martin Gibbs & Michael Nash
Price $20.00
Description: Maria Island’s European history is one of exploration and dispossession, incarceration and labour, resources and exploitation, entrepreneurship and tourism.
This book is structured around four key touchstones from Maria Island’s recent past – the two phases of convict occupation during the Penal Period (1825 – 32) and the Probation Period (1842 – 52), the optimistic tenure of the Bernacchi Period (1884 – 96), and the resource exploitation of the Industrial Period (1920 – 30).
Of course, Maria Island’s story stretches both backwards and forwards from these points, stories in which Aboriginals, whalers, farmers and park rangers figure prominently. Yet the landscape that we see today was primarily shaped by these four periods of occupation and it is through them that we can best piece together some of the story of this remarkable island.
The East Coasters The early pioneering history of the east coast of Tasmania
By Lois Nyman
With a new foreword by Maureen Martin Ferris (Society President & Research Officer)
Price $50.00
Description: First published in 1990 but long unavailable, it follows with humour and historical authenticity the pioneering struggles of the first settlers, their interaction with each other, their encounters with Aborigines and bushrangers, and the family histories of the leading settlers.
This is a reprint by UK Publishing Company Edward Everett Root.
Piermont Local East Coast History
By Susan McRae
Price $45.00
This new book documents Weber/Gill family and district development was launched at recent Family Reunion at Piermont.
Please Contact the Society email: info@glamorganhistory.or.au or call in on Tuesdays or Fridays to secure a copy. We can always post at extra charge.
Louisa Anne Meredith cards
The Society has new Louisa Anne Meredith greeting cards available for sale. These cards include prints from Some of my Bush Friends and from Tasmanian Friends & Foes (Feathered, Furred and Finned).
The cards are blank inside for writing in, and come with plain white envelope. As per the following Flyer, individual, set of 5, or complete set of 10.
The cards are available either direct through the Society on our open days, Tuesdays and Fridays, or from East Coast Heritage Museum.
Houses & Estates of Old Glamorgan Second Edition
Our revised and expanded 2nd Edition is now available direct from Society. If you are interested in this publication, please email us at: info@glamorganhistory.org.au
See the following Flyer.
East Coast History
The east coast of Tasmania was settled by the British just over 200 years ago, many of the same families still live in the area. We also have had some exceptional people live in the area, such as Louisa Anne Meredith, prolific poet and artist (1812–1895).
Old School house was built in 1860
The Society produces and sells a number of publications. You can get in contact with us to purchase books or get involved to become a part of the publishing process by proof-reading or helping in a number of other ways.